Garage Door Package.

Adding a garage door to a shed provides extra height and width when compared to standard door openings. This provides more flexibility when storing items like larger lawn mowers, ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles and more. You can add the garage door package to any utility or shed or lofted barn. The Garage Package includes a beautiful garage door that looks and operates like a home garage door. This is not the cheaper roll-up garage door you find with other companies’ sheds! We also upgrade many of the shed features.
Package price is added to the base price of shed. Prices do not include local sales tax.
For added floor strength, the Garage Door Package ensures your building can handle extra weight. The floor joists are built with 2'x6' floor joist, 12" on center and layered with 3/4” LP Legacy® flooring. This flooring provides maximum moisture resistance with superior strength and stiffness. Click here to learn more about the flooring.
Add the Garage Door Package to Utility or Lofted Barn Sheds
Keep your ATVs, motorcycles, golf carts, and riding lawnmowers safe and out of the elements by adding a garage door package. The large garage door opening and sturdy flooring provide so many extra storage options to meet your lifestyle needs!
The garage package includes a single walk-out door, while the double doors are replaced by the Garage Door. Garage door sizes vary slightly depending on building style.
Protect Your Valuables!
Utility & Southern Classic Garage Doors
10' and 12' wide receive 8'x6'9" garage doors
14' wide receive 9'x6'9" garage doors
Lofted & Premier Garage Doors
10' and 12' wide receive 8'x7' garage doors
14' wide receive 9'x7' garage doors
Garage Door Options
Upgrade your garage door to a Carriage House Door. Even add Glass Panels from the designs shown below.
Prices do not include local sales tax.
Carriage House Garage Door.
Glass Insert Options for Standard Garage Doors
Glass Insert Options for Carriage House Garage Doors
Garages packages are available for all shed styles with the exception of value series sheds.